Hi Community,
I’ve been a bit busy lately (work and family related with the arrival of my second children) but it’s always great to share information with you. A couple of weeks ago, I was working on this engagement to decide whether to move to the cloud or not (It wasn’t a brainer for me taking into consideration the existing technology stack my customer has, but more importantly I needed to collect evidence or facts in order to help them make a decision).
My customer has quite some file shares spread across Windows and multiple NAS. I had to write a PowerShell script (see below) for this task. Personally, I don’t like any scripting language mainly because I expect my code to be compiled, linked besides being able to tweak my code to perform as I want it too, but like I said it’s my personal opinion.
I hope you’ll find it useful.
$startAnalysis = (Get-Date)
$loggedOnUser = Get-WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | select username Write-Host “**************************************************************************”
Write-Host “** File Share Report – Shares on: $targetServer “
Write-Host “** Currently logged on as: $loggedOnUser ”
Write-Host “** Analysis start: $startAnalysis”
Write-Host “**************************************************************************” If (-Not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($targetServer)) {
$existingShares = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Share -computername $targetServer `
-filter “Type=0 And Name Like ‘%[^$]’ And Name <> ‘NETLOGON’ And Name <> ‘SYSVOL'”
foreach($share in $existingShares) {
$results = $null
$uncPath = “\\$targetServer\\”+$share.Name
# Let‘s display information on fileshares on target server (Summary)
$stats = dir $uncPath -recurse -errorAction “SilentlyContinue” | `
where {-Not $_.PSIsContainer}| Measure-Object -Property length -Sum
$results = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
$results | Format-Table ComputerName, LocalPath, UNCPath, SizeKB, NumberFiles
# Let’s display a breakdown on file types and their sizes
Get-ChildItem -Path $uncPath -Recurse |
Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer } |
Group-Object Extension |
Select-Object @{n=“Extension”;e={$_.Name -replace ‘^\.’}}, `
@{n=“Size(MB)”;e={[math]::Round((($_.Group | Measure-Object Length -Sum).Sum / 1MB), 2)}},
@{n=“Average Size(MB)”;e={[math]::Round((($_.Group | Measure-Object Length -Average).Average / 1MB), 2)}},
@{n=“Maximum Size (MB)”;e={[math]::Round((($_.Group | Measure-Object Length -Maximum).Maximum / 1MB), 2)}}, #,
Count | Format-Table
# Let‘s display a breakdown on files in shares by age bucket
$files=dir $uncPath -recurse |
Select Fullname, CreationTime, LastWriteTime, Length,
OverAYear = ($files | Where {$_.Days -gt 365} | Measure-Object).Count
‘_365Days‘ = ($files | Where {$_.Days -gt 180 -AND $_.Days -le 365} | Measure-Object).Count
‘_180Days‘ = ($files | Where {$_.Days -gt 90 -AND $_.Days -le 180} | Measure-Object).Count
‘_90Days‘ = ($files | Where {$_.Days -gt 30 -AND $_.Days -le 90} | Measure-Object).Count
‘_30Days‘ = ($files | Where {$_.Days -gt 7 -AND $_.Days -le 30} | Measure-Object).Count
‘_7Days‘ = ($files | Where {$_.Days -gt 0 -AND $_.Days -le 7} | Measure-Object).Count
$ageBucket = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $summary | Select Path, OverAYear, _365Days, _180Days, _90Days, _30Days, _7Days
[Console]::Write(“`n`r*****************************`nFiles grouped by age (Count)`n*****************************`n`rPath: {0}`nOver a year: {1}`n365 days: {2}`n”, $ageBucket.Path, $ageBucket.OverAYear, $ageBucket._365Days)
[Console]::Write(“180 days: {0}`n90 days: {1}`n30 days: {2}`n”, $ageBucket._180Days, $ageBucket._90Days, $ageBucket._30Days)
[Console]::Write(“7 days: {0}`n”, $ageBucket._7Days)
$shareCount += 1
Write-Host “——————————————————————————“
$endAnalysis = (Get-Date) – $startAnalysis
Write-Host “Total Shares: $shareCount”
Write-Host “Analysis Execution Time: $endAnalysis”
} Else {
Write-Host “** targetServer needs to be specified. **” -ForegroundColor Red