- nixMetaFS
- Fixing memory leak in Microsoft USD
- Retrieving IHTMLDocument & IWebBrowser2 objects from hWnd
- Reading XML Config files with C++ and TinyXML in Linux
- Visual SOS – Visual Studio extension to debug managed applications through SOS
- My github repos
- Implementing LINQ’s Enumerable methods in C++ with GCC and CLion for Linux
- Building native *nix solutions with C++, GTK+ and SQL Server vNext
- Exposing functionality in C++ parent class to children classes through proxies
- Displaying tabular data in a GtkTreeView
- Replicating C#’s using statement functionality in C++
- Instrumenting *nix Systems via C#, C++, Mono and Qt
- Checking for library dependencies in Windows and Linux
- Integration between Qt application running on Linux and Microsoft SQL Server
- C Language – Tutorial