Metadata File System for Linux is a project similar to MetaFS.
The concept is to provide users the ability to being able to capture information of their files from the shell of the operating system. In this particular case it’ll be an extra tab in Nautilus.
Metadata will be stored in a MySQL Database. This is currently work in progress.
Below code for Window controller.
#include "MainWindowController.h" using namespace nixMetaFS::Core; MainWindowController *MainWindowController::m_Self; GtkApplication *MainWindowController::m_Application; MainWindowController::MainWindowController() { m_Self = this; m_repository = std::unique_ptr<Repository>(new Repository); } MainWindowController::~MainWindowController() { } void MainWindowController::Initialize() { // This doesn't apply for this class } void MainWindowController::SetupUI(GtkBuilder *builder) { auto controlNames = {"frmMain-nixMetaFS", "txtDescription"}; std::for_each(controlNames.begin(), controlNames.end(), [&](std::string controlName) { m_Controls.insert(std::pair<std::string, GtkWidget*>(controlName, GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object(builder, controlName.c_str())))); }); } void MainWindowController::StartUp(GtkApplication &app, gpointer user_data) { m_Application = &app; try { auto builder = gtk_builder_new_from_resource(Main_Window_Resource_Name); m_Self->SetupUI(builder); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT (builder)); auto frmMainWindow = m_Self->"frmMain-nixMetaFS"); gtk_application_add_window(&app, reinterpret_cast<GtkWindow *>(frmMainWindow)); gtk_widget_show(frmMainWindow); } catch(std::exception& ex) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to load UI. Please ensure resource file was linked to application."); } }