Microsoft Visual C++ MVP Award for 2012

G’day community,

Firstly, I’d like to wish you all a happy new year 2012, full of health, blessings & success Smile

Secondly, I’m happy to announce that Microsoft has awarded me with an MVP (8th consecutive year) in the Visual C++ category, therefore I’d like to thank God, community & fellow developers, Microsoft and the MVP Program.

I’ve been supporting technical communities since 2002 when I was still in South America and it’s been a great pleasure and disinterested task ever since. The best satisfaction one can get is “Thank you, your articles have helped me a lot”, so besides the benefits of the program, it’s all about sharing the knowledge and helping others.

I’ve been blessed in many different ways, and I do consider that being part of this program is another blessing and such a great opportunity. I was initially an ASP.NET MVP (ASP.NET Insider) but then I realized that Visual C++ & Native code have much more to offer, so I decided to go back to my roots… Native Windows Development and here I am Open-mouthed smile

Before any managed code/framework was available we had C/C++ which it’s been portable for ages, bleeding-edge applications, games, drivers & highly intensive-performing applications can only be written in C++ so it’s a pleasure to evangelize people about the beauty of the language & its capabilities.

Windows 8 promises to offer a lot of stuff to Visual C++ developers, specially with the introduction of WinRT thus taking native development once again to its glorious days.

My commitment for this year is to produce material around the upcoming technologies in Windows 8, so please stay tuned!

Once again thank you all!

Best Regards,


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