The Dark Side of Leadership

En Español The dark side of leadership can be described as behaviors that are detrimental to an organization and its employees. Dark leaders often display some behavioral traits such as “the need for power, bullying, inability to inspire creativity and lack of tolerance for errors.” (Dr. Karp, 2021). It is quite interesting how Dr. Karp […]

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Lessons learned, resilience and self-confidence

En Español It’s Sunday morning on Feb 2nd, 2025, and it just started to snow. First snow falling this winter. Today’s post it’s about gratitude, lessons learned and resilience. As a leader (as we’re all called to be one, regardless) I must spend a good portion of my time reflecting, learning and planning to move […]

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Allow people to be fully Responsible

En Español It is amazing to see how in Today’s global and modern work, we still implement and support old but yet effective tenets, such as Plato’s division of labor (Cholbi, 2022) describes it as “Plato’s division of labor is a system of labor specialization that assigns people to economic classes based on their natural […]

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