Would have we…

En Español If the snow had known that it was going to fall todayand melt later, would it have fallen anyway?If I had known that something was going to hurt meand from it I would have learned, would I have done it?If we had known that our lives are short, and fade away as the […]

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Lessons learned, resilience and self-confidence

En Español It’s Sunday morning on Feb 2nd, 2025, and it just started to snow. First snow falling this winter. Today’s post it’s about gratitude, lessons learned and resilience. As a leader (as we’re all called to be one, regardless) I must spend a good portion of my time reflecting, learning and planning to move […]

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New Beginnings

Everything in life must start somewhere and almost every beginning is hard. I haven’t ever met the first individual who ever said otherwise. I haven’t blogged in a while because I haven’t had time and now I’m writing this thousands of feet above the ground. Flying from Perth to Brisbane, an improvised holiday and getaway […]

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