Would have we…

En Español

If the snow had known that it was going to fall today
and melt later, would it have fallen anyway?
If I had known that something was going to hurt me
and from it I would have learned, would I have done it?
If we had known that our lives are short, and fade away as the snow does
would have we lived it to the fullest or just do what we must?
If Jesus had known that people weren’t going to appreciate his sacrifice
would he have done it, regardless or would he have fought back and saved his life?
The more I learn, the more ignorant I become
The more I live, the less time I have to be gone
If any of us had known what we know Today
would have we done it, anyway?
Of course, we would have, and we will always do
It is part of life and experience is all we at the end accrue
This is not another silly rhyme or poem, because you know it’s true
At the end, we are alone in this. This applies to me and you.

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