Diario caminar

Dime que ves en mis ojosTe diré lo que está en mi corazónImaginación, determinación no antojoHambre de aprender y atesorar la razónNiño, adolescente, adulto pero no viejoImpulsado por pasión y sueños en lo lejosImperfecto con bastante defectosJamás he abandonado, pero sí he estadobastante desilusionado, la vida me ha golpeado, pero nunca me ha acabadoDifícil el […]

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Tu encuentro fue fugaz y sorpresivoOcultaste con palabras tu ego lascivoMientes por afición, triste y vacíaMuestras una falsa cara, sin valor y caídaEres una infección ambulante y sin rumboBella por fuera, dañada por dentro, sin nada sustancioso y sólo dando tumbo Que ejemplo le das a tu prole, los cuáles desconocen lo oscuro de tu […]

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La llama de la vida

Tanta similitudes entre la vida y el fuegoIntrinsicamente relacionados, así como su belleza, dinámica y lo que digo no es juegoNos sorprende, apasiona y nos da su luzIgual que la vida va en crescendo, para después de ser consumido se apaga y extingue. Sabía la madera cuánto iba a durar o sí su destino el […]

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Aging is beautiful

I’m not a poet myself But I’ve found that poetry Can make me feel well I’ve learned a couple of things in life Just like flowers blossom in spring We’ve had that opportunity too and here’s the thing… We must love, live and enjoy each moment as if it was our last… Nowadays, I feel […]

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The muse I’ve never had

I was a fallen angel with a broken wing The one who had lost faith in everything So bitter and hollow Lived a life full of sorrow Then she came upon me And healed me completely She took my old memories away And taught me how to trust She gave me truly love She got […]

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Good deed of the day

Life is a curious thing, because everyday it gives us the opportunity to do something new or special, even more it gives us the ability to influence (in a good way) and help people. There’s nothing more satisfying than someone expressing how good they feel for your help or for taking your piece of advice. […]

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Some of my favorite quotes

“Sky is the limit” – Don Quixote “Ignorance is bliss” – Thomas Gray “I know that I know nothing” – Socrates “I think, therefore I am” – Rene Descartes “What goes up must come down” – Isaac Newton “Necessity, who is the mother of invention” – Plato “For also knowledge itself is power” – Francis […]

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Don’t ever give up

This ain’t a song but a rhyme No matter, how bad you feel… Tomorrow will bring a better time… Whenever you feel like falling flat on your face and everything seems lost… It’s when you have to shine the most… I was born more dead than alive… In spite of the odds, I survived and followed […]

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